Publishing, the Rules of the Trade

Services spéciaux. Algérie 1955-1957

Paul Aussaresses, Perrin, 2001, Coll. Bfm - Limoges

In 2001, Services spéciaux 1955-1957by Général Paul Aussaresses was published by Perrin. The ex-soldier and secret agent, a believer in the total repression of the Algerian struggle for independence, described without flinching or remorse the tortures, summary executions and hangings of the chiefs of the FLN (National Liberation Front) which were disguised as suicides. Many judicial obstacles, including the amnesty for crimes committed during the Algerian war (Law of July 31, 1968), hinder the procedure. Symbolic disciplinary sanctions were announced before a trial for ‘apology for war crimes’ was instigated by the public prosecutor in Paris. Aussaresses and his publisher were condemned to pay fines in January 2002. After two unsuccessful appeals, the publishers seized the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. France was condemned for having infringed the publisher’s right to freedom of expression by imposing heavy fines, and condemned to pay damages.