Publishing, the Rules of the Trade

La Face cachée du Monde

Philippe Cohen et Pierre Péan, Mille et une nuits, département de la librairie Arthème Fayard, original edition, 2003, Coll. Bfm - Limoges

In February 2003, La Face cachée du Monde: du contre pouvoir aux abus de pouvoir was published by two journalists who were well practiced in high profile investigations, Philippe Cohen and Pierre Péan. They denounced the misuse of the daily by the direction. At a crossroads of political, press and publishing interests, the book incited fiery debates when it was published, and met with great success. Le Monde and its direction who were under accusation Jean-Marie Colombani, Edwy Plenel and Alain Minc – responded by filing a lawsuit for defamation against the authors and the publisher, with a claim for substantial damages, (€1 million). Before the trial, which promised to be a long one, an out-of-court settlement was found to satisfy all parties. Commentators observed that the daily had escaped what would be bad publicity and the authors, the risk of paying heavy damages.