Publishing, the Rules of the Trade

Le Racket fiscal

Robert Matthieu, Albin Michel, original edition, 1990, Coll. Bfm - Limoges

A tax inspector, writing under the pseudonym of Robert Matthieu, published Le Racket fiscal (1990) and Échec à la dictature fiscale (1991). In these books, with his acknowledged exemplary professionalism, he denounces the arbitrary methods of his administration. Appearing on a TV programme, he revealed his true identity: Bernard Tong-Viet.  The decision to suspend him from his duties was immediately taken by his hierarchy and validated by the Ministers of the Economy and the Budget.  Robert Mathieu announced that he would contest these decisions by all possible means. The strength of media reactions convinced the administration that it was impossible to dismiss him. Under his penname, Robert Matthieu, Bernard Tong-Viet wrote several other essays on the tax department.