Publishing, the Rules of the Trade
Vie sexuelle de la jeune fille
Georges Valensin, La Table Ronde, original edition, 1963, Coll. Bfm - Limoges
In 1962, before this book appeared in the bookshops, so as not to embarrass customers who may ask for it, the publisher Roland Laudenbach decided to sell it under a cover with the title Le nouveau livre du docteur Valensin.
Note to the production dept. of Editions de la Table Ronde and to Michel Déon, about the title of Vie sexuelle de la jeune fille recommending a book cover with the inscription 'Le nouveau livre du docteur Valensin'..
Laurent Laudenbach, November 22, 1962, Archives IMEC - Fonds des Éditions de La Table Ronde, LTR 65.4