Publishing, the Rules of the Trade

Law n°67-17 of January 4, 1967 amending Art.14 of the law 49956 of 16-07-1945 on publicatons for the young

Journal officiel de la République française, January 6, 1967, Légifrance

According to the old Penal Code, then various other measures dating from July 29, 1939; then the law of July 16, 1949 followed by those of March 15, 1957 and December 23, 1958 – which made repression more severe –, the production, importation, sales and display of printed copies, pictures, drawings, posters and films or sound recordings that are offensive to public decency will be prosecuted. The Law of 1967 made it possible for judges to show greater tolerance by distinguishing more clearly between different types of productions. After various changes, the expression ‘outrage aux bonnes mœurs’ (offence against public morality or decency) had disappeared from the Penal Code that came into force in 1994 to be replaced by a unique article (227-24) which prescribes penalties for the production, transport or diffusion of a message that is ‘violent or pornographic, or of a nature to seriously offend human dignity’ and ‘likely to be seen or noticed by a minor’.